Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

Taming the Beast: How Perfectionism Feeds Anxiety

Have you ever felt that deep, unsettling sensation that no matter how hard you try, your work is never "good enough"? You may be someone who believes in giving their best, always, and this sounds familiar. This is the crux of perfectionism. It's not about striving to be the best - it's about the relentless pursuit of an unattainable standard. It's about the fear of failure, of being seen as "less than."

Now, let's think about anxiety. It's that nagging feeling of unease. The cold dread wakes us in the middle of the night. It's the chronic worry that something bad is about to happen.

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

Gen-Z and Why They Can’t Avoid Anxiety

Gen Z gets stereotyped for a lot of different reasons, but if you’re a part of that generation, you probably know that so many of those tropes aren’t true. In fact, what most people don’t realize is that many Gen Zers struggle with anxiety. 

Sound familiar? 

Anxiety has become so normalized with Gen Z that you’ll probably be hard-pressed to find someone in the generation who doesn’t deal with it on some level. But, why? Why are younger generations seemingly so more susceptible to anxiety, and what does it mean for your future? 

There are many factors that can play into the anxiety impacting Gen Z. If you’re a part of this generation and tend to struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings, understanding the “why” can be the first step in fighting back. 

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

The Intricate Dance: Understanding the Connection between IBS and Anxiety

I'd like you to take a deep breath with me because today, we're diving into a personal and complex topic—the connection between Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and anxiety.

Have you ever felt the knot of butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous? That's because our brain and gut are connected, sharing an intricate two-way communication line. Imagine if these butterflies were not just occasional guests but constant companions. That's what life is like with IBS and anxiety.

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LGBTQ+ Therapy Taylor Garff LGBTQ+ Therapy Taylor Garff

Finding Hope and Support in States Against Gender-Affirming Healthcare

Transgender individuals face healthcare disparities across the country. Unfortunately, some states have actively taken measures against gender-affirming healthcare, making it nearly impossible for transgender or gender-fluid individuals to get the medical attention they need and deserve. 

It’s easy to feel both helpless and hopeless when you live in one of these states. While it’s easy to suggest writing to your local congressperson or doing what you can to encourage state laws to change, that can often feel easier said than done. 

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is learn to cope in safe, healthy, and effective ways. 

There’s no question that we’re living in a more progressive nation. Don’t lose heart. It just might take a bit longer than we all might hope for your state to understand the importance of gender-affirming healthcare. In the meantime, let’s cover a few things you can do to keep moving forward. 

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

Coping With A Newly Diagnosed Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is an extremely common mental health issue. But, when you’re the one diagnosed with it, it can feel like you’re alone and unsure of what to do. In fact, being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder could potentially trigger more anxiety. 

Take a deep breath. First, recognize that you’re not alone. Millions of people across the world deal with anxiety, and it’s very manageable if you take the right steps and get the help you need. 

With that in mind, let’s cover some tips you can use to cope with a newly diagnosed anxiety disorder. 

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LGBTQ+ Therapy Taylor Garff LGBTQ+ Therapy Taylor Garff

How to Identify Safe Spaces

Everyone deserves to have a safe space. There’s no denying we live in a chaotic world, and you might not always feel secure. Sometimes, uncertainty and fear can come from a physical location. Other times, it can simply be the result of the society we’re in. Things can often feel tumultuous, and having a place you can go to feel safe and secure is essential for your well-being. 

Unfortunately, the term “safe space” has been misconstrued and even used as a trope in recent years. These issues don’t take away the importance of being able to identify safe spaces if you need one. 

So, how can you do that? Let’s take a look at how to identify safe spaces, and even how to create your own. 

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LGBTQ+ Therapy Taylor Garff LGBTQ+ Therapy Taylor Garff

How to Find Support in a Red State as a Trans Person

Whether you’re making a move soon or you’ve been living in the same place for a while, there’s often an underlying fear and sense of discouragement when it comes to living in a red state as a trans person. 

You might feel like you can’t open up or truly be yourself. You might assume you’ll never find support or a community you can lean on. Maybe you’re even worried about discrimination. 

While it’s true that red states aren’t typically as open and supportive as their blue counterparts, you don’t have to live your life in fear while in your conservative location. Instead, look for “blue dots” within your state, and you’re likely to find your tribe.

Let’s dig a little deeper into how you can find support in a red state as a trans individual. 

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

An Intimate Encounter with Holiday Anxiety

We all look forward to holidays, right? The laughter, the family gatherings, the food, the gifts. But there's an unspoken guest on these joyous occasions: anxiety. It sneaks up on us, turning our anticipation into apprehension, our joy into jitteriness. But it doesn't have to be this way. Let's learn how to manage holiday anxiety together.

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

Exploring Digital Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming

Have you ever felt a little knot of unease when your phone beeps with a new notification? Or perhaps a sense of dread washes over you when you think about the mounting pile of unread emails in your inbox. Maybe the idea of being 'disconnected' or 'offline' for a while causes you stress. If you've felt these or similar feelings, you've experienced what we call 'digital anxiety.'

Digital anxiety is a modern phenomenon arising from our constantly connected, digitally-driven lifestyles. It encompasses the stress, fear, and unease related to digital technology usage.

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

Unmasking Social Anxiety: The Hidden Scars of Childhood Emotional Abuse

You might be wondering, "What is emotional abuse?" It's a question that's tough to answer because, unlike physical abuse, the scars aren't visible. Yet, they are there, deep within the heart, affecting a person's view of the world and of themselves.

Emotional abuse in childhood often involves persistent negativity, criticism, rejection, or humiliation, creating an environment of constant fear and self-doubt. Let's take this understanding one step further and see how this hidden wound can lead to social anxiety.

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

Understanding Psychological Injustice

Psychological injustice is a form of injustice that happens inside our minds. It's not as visible as physical injustice, but it's just as real and just as damaging. It involves being treated unfairly because of our thoughts, feelings, or mental health conditions.

Do you know how it feels when you're not heard or your emotions are dismissed? That's psychological injustice. It's when your experiences, emotions, and feelings aren't acknowledged. They're brushed aside, trivialized, or ignored.

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Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff Anxiety Therapy Taylor Garff

The Power of Group Therapy: Finding Support in Anxiety Treatment

As humans; we are naturally inclined to find comfort and strength in being part of a group. We're hardwired to connect with others, to share experiences, and to learn from each other. And when it comes to battling anxiety, that togetherness can be a game-changer.

In group therapy, we don't walk this journey alone. Instead, we move forward together, like a team climbing a mountain, supporting each other every step of the way.

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