Strategies for Coping with the Loss of Political Rights
As we step into a new era of political power, you might be feeling a variety of negative emotions, from fear and anxiety to uncertainty and grief.
The grief comes from the potential loss of political rights. While we might not know exactly what’s to come, we can surmise that certain groups of people within our country will be heavily impacted by the next presidential administration.
With that in mind, it’s important to have healthy, effective coping mechanisms to lean into. Let’s take a look at some of the best strategies for coping with the loss of political rights.
Acknowledge Your Grief
It’s okay — and important — to acknowledge your emotions when you’re going through a loss of any kind. You might be met by some people who don’t understand it, but they aren’t in your unique position.
Sometimes, it can feel “easier” to keep your mouth shut and try to push your emotions down. After all, you can’t change the results of the election now, right? But, by doing that, you’ll be bottling up your grief and making it worse. Give yourself time and space to work through your feelings of loss without worrying about judgment from others.
Practice Self-Care
Self-care is always essential, but it should become a top priority now. Do something every day specifically meant to improve your well-being. If you’re struggling with fear and sadness due to the loss of political rights, things like mindfulness, meditation, and journaling can help to reduce stress and offer a sense of peace.
Other daily activities like exercising, getting enough sleep, and spending time with people you love can also boost your mood and help you get through these difficult times.
Lean On Your Support System
Speaking of spending time with people you love, it’s so important to have a support system through these difficult times. Grief can be a lonely place. Surrounding yourself with those who might be dealing with the same kind of loss can help you realize you’re not alone, and it can also empower you.
You can discuss your loss with others, learn more about how they’re coping, and lean on each other to get through things. It can be tempting to isolate yourself when you’re dealing with fear and loss, but that’s likely to make your feelings more intense.
Stay Politically Active
The more time you spend with people who build you up, the more confident you should be in taking action. Remind yourself that you haven’t lost all of your rights and use the ones you have to speak out and advocate for change. If everyone who experiences the loss of political rights just lays down and lets it happen, we’re in for a very rocky future.
Take the time to educate yourself on those rights and what the government plans to do. That doesn’t necessarily mean taking the media at face value. Do your own research so you’re well-prepared to speak up to local government officials, as well as at any political rallies or get-togethers in the future.
As the old saying goes, knowledge is power. The more you understand how your political rights might be impacted by an administration, the more steps you can take to fight back.
Prioritize Mental Health
Finally, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional if you’re really struggling. Again, this isn’t something you should have to go through alone.
Therapy is a great additional strategy for coping with the loss of political rights. It can help you process your grief in safe, healthy ways, while offering actions you can take every day to prioritize your mental well-being while you work through your loss. If you’re ready to take that step, I’m here for you. Contact me today to set up a consultation.
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