Finding Hope and Support in States Against Gender-Affirming Healthcare

Transgender individuals face healthcare disparities across the country. Unfortunately, some states have actively taken measures against gender-affirming healthcare, making it nearly impossible for transgender or gender-fluid individuals to get the medical attention they need and deserve. 

It’s easy to feel both helpless and hopeless when you live in one of these states. While it’s easy to suggest writing to your local congressperson or doing what you can to encourage state laws to change, that can often feel easier said than done. 

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is learn to cope in safe, healthy, and effective ways. 

There’s no question that we’re living in a more progressive nation. Don’t lose heart. It just might take a bit longer than we all might hope for your state to understand the importance of gender-affirming healthcare. In the meantime, let’s cover a few things you can do to keep moving forward. 

Practice Self-Care

One of the best things you can do to not only promote your physical health but to manage your mental well-being is to incorporate daily self-care into your routine. 

Self-care looks different for everyone. It could be something as simple as making sure you get enough sleep or exercising every day. Or, if you’re dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety, things like mindfulness, meditation, and journaling can help. 

As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s important to keep up the fight for gender-affirming care. But, you have to start by caring for yourself. 

Educate Yourself and Others

Did you know that transgender individuals are more likely to experience depression than cisgender people? Did you know trans people are also more likely to have negative mental health days? 

Looking at statistics and doing your research can help you feel empowered as a member of the transgender community. So often, people dismiss gender-affirming healthcare because they don’t understand what it really means. They’ve bought into social ideas and stereotypes without knowing the facts. When you’re able to present people with real facts and figures, you’re more likely to open their eyes to the truth and earn their support. 

The more allies within the community, the harder it will be for federal and state governments to ignore the importance of gender-affirming healthcare. 

Find a Gender-Affirming Provider

Just because your state has taken measures against gender-affirming healthcare doesn’t mean every provider is going to ignore the needs of their patients. 

Chances are, with a bit of research, you’ll be able to find a healthcare provider in your community who offers gender-affirming care. Finding someone who is an ally or in the queer community themselves can make a big difference. Not only are you likely to feel more comfortable, but you’ll see that measures are being taken — even if it’s on a small scale — to provide adequate care for transgender individuals. 

You can encourage others to visit these medical professionals and become “brand ambassadors” for their practices. Whether we like to think about it or not, the healthcare system is often run like a business. Practices have to market themselves to get new patients and retain existing ones. Practices that are offering gender-affirming healthcare should be promoted within the community. When other practices start to see their success slipping away, they’ll be more likely to make necessary positive changes. 

Looking Toward the Future

It can be very frustrating to feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle with your state government. But, look at these measures against gender-affirming healthcare as temporary. The world will continue to move forward, and people will hold greater expectations when it comes to healthcare equality for all. 

In the meantime, take care of yourself, educate yourself, and don’t stop the fight. Additionally, don’t feel like you have to walk through this journey alone. Feel free to contact me to set up an appointment, and prioritize your well-being. 

Learn more about LGBTQ+ Therapy.


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